56cm x 73cm
Watercolour on cold pressed watercolour paper
Writtern in Persain - extracted from Asrar-i-Khudi (or The Secrets of the Self; published in Persian, 1915) the first philosophical poetry book of Allama Muhammad Iqbal. Iqbal is the best articulated Muslim response to Modernity that the Islamic world has produced in the 20th century. He is also called the “Spiritual father of Pakistan”.
“Arise and tune the harp of brotherhood,
Give us back the cup of the wine of love!
Bring once more days of peace to the world,
Give a message of peace to them that seek battle!
Mankind are the cornfield and thou the harvest,
Thou art the goal of Life’s caravan.
The leaves are scattered by Autumn’s fury
Oh, do thou pass over our gardens as the Spring!
Receive from our downcast brows
The homage of little children and of young men and old!
It is to thee that we owe our dignity
And silently undergo the pains of life”.
Read more about the poet here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Iqbal